When you're investing several thousand dollars in an oil painting, I believe it should be realistic, as well as a beautiful rendition
of your loved one or yourself. Masterpiece Oil Paintings are what we are known for
displaying in our client's homes. Our custom services are by commission only, and based on your request.
My oil portraits are the
expression of unique characteristics of the individual. I work with my
clients in the comfort of their homes. All
of my work is done by commission. Please call or email to discuss the possibilities for your "Masterpiece Oil."
Belins is my personal trademark, and is not authorized to be used by others.
All of my oils are Fine Art Pieces. Each one is
personally handcrafted. This allows me to maintain consistent quality
with each and every family that has the confidence in me to produce
such a special family heirloom. Properly displayed, my Hand Oiled Masterpiece Paintings should last for centuries.
Travel to your city may be possible, please call or email to discuss the possibilities.
. . , whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever
is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is
excellent or praiseworthy-- think about such things." (Philippians 4:8